Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Our toddler is two!

Aurella has turned two years old! She is growing up so fast and is changing so quickly. Her ability to pronounce words is getting better and better and she loves to use words she knows in order to communicate with us. She likes to count and will count different things on any given book we're reading. She also knows the alphabet, somehow! I wasn't teaching her but we got a alphabet magnet set so she could play with it on the fridge and she just became obsessed with those letters, naming them and taking them everywhere she went (we only have like, four letters left). Aurella is constantly moving except for when she's watching a show she likes or when she's sleeping! We got her a wiggle bike for her birthday since she was always stealing the neighbor boys' bikes and making them mad. Now she rides with them around our cul-de-sac and they all have an even better time than before.

Aurella has such a loving heart and loves being with family. I accidentally taught her to say "love me" when she wants me to listen to her. I'll be sitting with her on my lap, listening to something Todd is saying and she'll put her hands on my cheeks and turn my head towards her while saying "love me!". And then proceed to babble while having a very serious look on her face. She has stories she wants to tell, too! Whenever she's eating anything she always wants to share her food. Even when she's eating her favorite thing in the world, fruit snacks, She'll usually give one to me or her dad and insist we "bite".

Aurella loves to sing. She has started to make up her own songs and sing them at the top of her lungs especially when he's in the car. She also loves babies. When we're in the store, if we pass by one she'll always gasp, eyes wide and say "baby!" with reverence. We got to meet Aurella's cousin Caleb who was born almost a week ago. Aurella was so excited to see him and wanted to make sure he had his pacifier. She'll be a big help when her baby will arrive in June!

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