Monday, September 8, 2014

4 months old

Well it's September 8th but I'm still going to just quickly post Aurella's pictures from the last month. Her 3rd month has been so fun! She's such a happy baby and it's so incredible seeing her grow.

She's getting old...

 ALWAYS happy in the morning

I've tried to get pictures of Aurella wearing each of her new headbands that Gammy and I made for her. I didn't get all of them, but maybe I will by next month!

Look at those feet!!

So, remember how Aurella was going to sleep on her own and awesome stuff? I guess the four-month regression hit and now it's a good day if she gets more than 40 minutes in for a nap. Instead of waking up once in the night to eat and sleeping the rest of the time until 7, if she wakes herself up she'll make sure we know she needs us in order to go back to sleep! This will happen four or five times a night, sometimes more and we sure are hoping it's temporary.

Back in her easier sleeping days, she would talk herself to sleep. We'd put her down and she'd just babble until her eyes would close. Pretty magical stuff I tell you, and I wouldn't mind seeing it again!

With the summer wrapping up, my sister and her husband came back to Utah from Washington! They came over with my niece Marci, who's 7 months old, and the two cousins were able to play a little. So much fun!

Milestones Aurella has reached so far:

She rolled from her back to her stomach!!

And she's learned to suck her thumb, although she just gnaws on it now.

In other updates, I decided to take a risk with my hair and dye it! I haven't dyed it since my junior year of high school.

Todd just got a new calling on Sunday to be the Assistant Ward Clerk and he's pretty excited. He has already started on training. I wonder how much of him I'll get on Sundays now! I was called about a month ago to be the Mia Maids Adviser in the Young Women's program in our ward. I really enjoy being with the Young Women. Aurella joins me most of the time during Young Women's. She's getting a head start!

Aurella had her first camping trip over the weekend! I really wish I would have thought to take pictures, but we were camping and I guess my mind wasn't focused on anything technology related. We went with our ward and had so much fun and made a few new friends as well. I got bit by mosquitoes and small horseflies. I think I counted bites up into the 30s before someone offered me bug spray. Why don't I think of these things! Haha oh well. It was an experience. I'm so glad neither Todd or Aurella got bit by anything.