Wednesday, September 23, 2015

An unassuming eleven months later...

There are a couple of reasons why This Post has happened ten months after the last one. First, and probably the biggest reason, is my job as a Kindermusik instructor.

 I became certified to teach Kindermusik in January and even though I wasn't spending my time training anymore, I was still spending anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half just prepping each lesson. I discovered how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE teaching Kindermusik and that it doesn't matter what my mood is when I begin teaching, I always am having an awesome day after the class is over. Teaching gives me energy instead of takes it away. I am hooked.

The second reason I would have to say is that Aurella is mobile. So mobile. You guys. She is into everything, and when she isn't, she's grabbing my finger and pulling me off the couch (or the computer, or the bed) and taking me to the kitchen to go outside. I try to take pictures but the truth is she moves so much I feel like I can't ever get a good enough shot!

So what has happened the past almost-year? Aurella went on her first road trip to Arizona with our family friends Lindsay and Calvin in February. We had a blast visiting and staying with Lindsay's family, visiting Grandfather Freestone and Alba and meeting Aunt Bridget, Uncle Robert and cousins Breena, Joshua, and Aiden. Upon getting home Aurella had to deal with sick parents almost the whole month of March but didn't get more than a runny nose herself (which is an ever-loving miracle that we are sure grateful for)!

In April Aurella had her first birthday! We started the day with Kindermusik (of course of course) with her "My 1st Birthday" outfit her Gammy got her. It was a fun class and I about died of adorablicity.

Aurella then got to run around with mommy to get presents and a cake and other stuff to get ready for her 1st birthday party.
*If anyone has any pictures from that night, please. Gimme.*
It was such a fun night, one where mommy almost fell over from the mound of presents that were meant for our little princess. It did her parents good to see her be with so much family and we are so grateful for the love that has been so generously showered on Aurella. She is the luckiest little girl to have such wonderful family and friends!

May came with an epic trip to Disneyland. Bringing a one year old with an excited Gammy and aunts (who know all the tips and tricks of getting on the rides in the shortest times possible) was MAGICAL!

ran jogged participated in the Neverland 5k and got lots of glow-in-the-dark bling.

The one thing Aurella kept wanting to do over and over again was to push her stroller! She got a lot of smiles doing that.

In June Todd and I went to Lagoon on our 3rd wedding anniversary. We went to Johnny Rockets for lunch and had drank milkshakes before we got our food. Because if you can't do that on your anniversary, when can you?? I really really wanted to post a bunch of hashtags throughout the day but decided it would have been way too much sappiness and ooey-gooeyness for Facebook. The world's not ready for that yet.

July was filled with trips. I'm the Mia Maid adviser in my ward so I got to go to part of girls camp and Youth Conference. Todd's sister Amy did a summer graduate program in Santa Fe so we went to go see her. I learned two things in Santa Fe. 1, they are serious about their spicy food and 2, the Santa Fe Opera really does live up to their name! It was beautiful and a wonderful opportunity to experience.

We also went to Idaho to visit Lindsay and Calvin. Ever since they moved Aurella and I have been experiencing some serious withdrawals so for the good of everyone we had to go and see Lindsay's old digs. It was so much fun to see her family and stay with them. We went again in August for Calvin's 1st birthday and was again greeted with warm hospitality and loving welcome.

In September over Labor Day weekend we went to Todd's family's cabin in Spanish Fork Canyon. It's an annual tradition and such a great time to visit with family. Unfortunately, I wasn't feeling super well and had to go home early, catching a ride others who were coming and going throughout the weekend. Aurella got to play with the myriad (haha) of little cousins (2nd cousins, 3rd cousins?..) that were also there.

Wow. I just read through the year we've had so far and I didn't realize we've had so much going on! I'm going to use that as another excuse as to why I haven't kept this updated. How's that? I feel pretty good about it. Aurella turned 17 months yesterday and that's pretty significant for me since that means I'll be able to take her to nursery on Sundays now! I can't drop her off until she's 18 months but for now she can run around and play in the nursery instead of the halls of the church during Sunday School and Young Women's. Aurella eats so well and her favorite snacks are the mozzarella pull-apart cheese sticks (so appropriate!), applesauce mixed with plain Greek yogurt, and fresh ripe tomatoes off the vine.

 She loves music and will hum the tune of I Am a Child of God, It Rained a Mist (a Kindermusik favorite), and the ABC's - or twinkle twinkle little star, whatever's your preference. Just over the past few days she started singing with me and we'll sing together as I put her to sleep for a nap or bedtime. I have since learned that one of my most favorite things to do in the world is sing with her. She doesn't say a whole lot of words yet. She says nose, banana, 'no' and 'mine' together, since she learned them together (so cute!!), yeah, hi, and bye-bye. She loves to say animal sounds! She can do a cow, sheep, cat, dog, owl, bee and she says 'choo-choo' as well. She gets so excited to hear the train that is a few blocks from our house. She knows where her nose, eyes, mouth, ears, hair, knees, feet, toes, hands, fingers and elbows are and will point to them when we ask her where they are. I feel like she has a wonderful sense of humor and we laugh all the time. Todd says that this should be the last month we're going to use months to label her age. Next month she'll be a year and a half, then she'll be almost two, and then two. Sounds good to me!

 Our Aurella is getting so big. These days and months are flying by so fast I hope I won't regret not appreciating it enough when she's older. We love you Aurella!!
Using her puzzle pieces as a pacifier

                                                                   Dancing to the beat of the...washing machine?

Experiencing Disneyland

Roaming the pristine streets of Disneyland

                                                                                               Playing in the dirt 

                                                                         Fun at Gammy and Grandpa's house!

Tried to put her hair up...not quite enough of it!

She was imitating my face while cutting her burrito

Selfie video at the grocery store

At the splash pad in Provo!

Aurella got a new car seat and is now forward facing. Uh oh, mommy distraction alert!

 Too cute. That's a car seat she's sitting in!

Aurella LOVES her friends!

You can hardly see him, but Aurella is spying her friend Jackson while Troy reaches for the piano.

 Trying to get Seth to eat...

And Caleb...