Saturday, July 26, 2014

3 months old

Yes we skipped a whole month! I remember on June 22 thinking, "It's ok, I can post Aurella's 2 month post tomorrow..." That didn't happen but THAT'S OK! Lots of things happen, life goes by and suddenly Aurella is 3 months old!

My little girl is officially not a newborn anymore. Fourth trimester is over! At her two month appointment she weighed 12.3 lbs and she now weighs about 15.5 lbs. Todd and I are really happy about the rolls she has acquired. She's a happy baby who loves to talk her baby talk language. 

Before she starts crying, she'll give us 'warnings', where she'll just talk louder and louder until finally it'll start to turn into an angry kind of cry.

This girl is just like her daddy. They both love their sleep

And they look like each other

 This is Todd

 This is also Todd!

Aurella has started learning to fall asleep on her own, without being nursed, swung or rocked. Lately we've been able to put her in her bassinet awake after feeding and changing her diaper, and she'll usually close her eyes after a little bit.Yesterday I was doing the dishes while she was playing on the floor by herself and suddenly I realized I hadn't heard anything for a while. I looked in on her and saw this:
Pretty sure my jaw dropped to the floor!! Usually, if she is tired during the day she'll just cry until I pick her up and get her to go to sleep.

Aurella enjoys:

-Talking and being talked to
-Riding in her stroller or the car - AS LONG AS it's moving!
-Having her belly being eaten by Monster Mommy
-Getting her diaper changed
-Trying to cram both fists in her mouth at the same time (ambitious, that one)
-Sleeping in next to Daddy

Aurella would rather not:

-Have tummy time for longer than three minutes
-Have someone dress/undress her
-Go to loud, crowded places where people want to hold her (family get togethers....she'll get used to it!)
-Be out shopping for too long

Cute Sunday dresses
 Her baby blessing dress

Yesterday we got to play at Gammy's house! We made lots of headbands

Thank you Gammy!!

and Aurella got to hang out with her boyfriend

Going in for a kiss 

Aurella we love you!!

Aaaaaand more