Friday, March 25, 2016

Bumpdate: 28 weeks

I'm officially in the 3rd trimester! Baby is the size of an eggplant and weighs about 2.5 lbs. I had my midwife appointment yesterday and I'm actually measuring one week behind! At my last appointment, I was measuring two weeks ahead. so basically, I had a huge growth spurt at 24 weeks and didn't get much bigger after that. Which translates to me feeling waaaay more comfortable! Coincidentally, about a week and a half ago I was tired of my sleeping and eating habits. I was eating way too many simple carbs and sweets and not enough whole grains and fresh fruit and veggies. I was also going to bed after midnight every night, ranging from just after midnight to 2 am sometimes. It was really getting me down. I didn't feel very well, I didn't have energy to keep up around the house and I wasn't feeling like I was giving my growing baby what they needed. It was hard to change though! It was a self-perpetuating cycle. Finally me and a friend decided to make a change and hold each other to it. It was only getting to bed at 9:30, but it made all the difference! I was eating better and had better focus throughout the day. It's only been a short while but I feel so much better...well, until a major cold hit me yesterday...but that's beside the point! 

How far along: 28 weeks, 5 days

Total weight gain: 36 lbs.......

Stretch marks: Nothing new

Sleep: Great, in between the bathroom breaks. Last night I also had tissue breaks and had a couple of cough drops!

Best moment this week: On Friday we went to Los Cucos with my parents and my brother and sister in law for my brother's birthday next week. It was fantastic!

Miss anything? The usuals. The truth is I'm enjoying more about pregnancy than I'm missing.

Movement: I can feel this baby so much more lately, probably due to my belly staying about the same size. He sure likes to move and I sure like to feel him!

Food cravings: Pastries...I've gone to Kneaders twice lately and Krispy Kreme once!

Aversions: Cleaning heh heh heh

Gender: Not finding out until the big day!

Labor signs: I've been having some achy-ness in my lower back and the baby keeps cramming himself really far down so that I can hardly bend over, but it never lasts for long.

Symptoms: Emotions are still a bit unstable, my nesting instinct has completely gone fact it's opposite! I can't get myself to do very much at all!

Wedding ring on or off? For a while it was off, but it's gone back to on during the day, off at night

Happy or Moody: Excited to report it's more happy lately! Even with all the cold we've been getting.

Looking forward to: Having a very low-key weekend...hardly any plans!


  1. So you say you don't know the gender but you refer to the baby as he and him? �� love you cuz

  2. Its because EVERYONE in our family has girl then boy lol

  3. Yeah, we don't know the gender but feel like it's a boy. If it's a girl, she'll get over it...haha

  4. Thanks for tagging me. You look beautiful! I can hardly wait to see you tomorrow!
