Thursday, March 10, 2016

Bumpdate: 26 weeks

Pregnancy is weird. I am so addicted to reading random blog posts of bumpdates on google and it is so crazy how different pregnancy can be from one person to the next! According to most blog posts that I read, no one has gained as much weight as I have at this stage, but also I have almost none of the awful symptoms that cause so much misery during pregnancy. The worst of what I have to go through this time around would probably be crazy hormones that make me cry, or angry, or depressed. It's a roller coaster! Physically though, I am doing much better than the last time I updated. I had just gone through a growth spurt and my body was trying to catch up to the was so uncomfortable! But now I feel really great. Aurella has taken our lead and now points to my belly and says 'baby', but I'm pretty sure she doesn't actually get that there's a baby in there. We were singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to the baby and...yeah. Pretty sure she just liked patting and rubbing my belly while singing the song. Oh well, she'll find out there's a baby soon enough!

How Far Along: 26 weeks, 4 days, although I have to stop myself from typing or saying 27 weeks. PATIENCE

Total Weight Gain: 30 lbs, last time I checked. Feeling good though!

Stretch marks: Nothing new, still just the old ones.

Sleep: MUCH BETTER than two weeks ago!!

Best moment this week: I would actually say Saturday. We didn't really have definite plans, sat outside for an hour or so enjoying the sun, I got CupBop............ Todd actually did quite a lot that day, but I mostly sat on my bum. It was fantastic.

Miss anything? Sleeping on my tummy, being able to get out of bed without going "OOoomph"

Movement: Still rolling and kicking up a storm. It's lovely!

Food cravings: The only consistent thing would be eggs.

Aversions: Nada...except Tenney's Pizza, I guess. Poor Todd.

Gender: Still think it's a boy.

Labor signs: Nothing! And it's going to stay that way for a while.

Symptoms: Other than the aforementioned emotional outbursts, nothing too major. My hands and fingers get really swollen at night, and sometimes out of the blue it will be difficult to breathe, no matter if I'm sitting or standing.

Wedding ring on or off? On during the day, off at night.

Happy or Moody: I'm all over the board with this one. On Monday I couldn't keep a grin off my face, all I could think about was how lucky I am, but then yesterday I pretty much felt like I had no purpose in life. :(

Looking forward to: Getting started on setting up the baby's room. I'm finally starting to get little nesting moments and I'm going with it!


  1. :-) thanks for posting this. You look great!

  2. Yeah! I love reading this. I also think you look great. How'd you get all that black off of Aurella's eyes??? lol

    1. Mary Kay eye makeup remover. Best stuff ever.
