Friday, October 24, 2014

Months 5 and 6

Its fall, its fall, my favorite time of the year! Fall, when the leaves turn pretty colors, hoodies are appropriate apparel, and Thanksgiving is close by. Apple cider, wassail, pie, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole. Leaves crunching under foot, the smell of fireplaces being used, the crisp well as change!

Aurella is on the cusp of crawling. She pushes herself up to her hands and knees and then rocks, or does 'downward dog' on her feet, or flips over onto her back. People have exclaimed, "oh, she'll be crawling any day now!" for weeks. She is taking her sweet time but my tender mama heart just whispers, "Take your time, sweet one". Her rate of growth is far too rapid for my liking.

A couple of weeks ago, I had to pull out her 6 to 9 month clothing (thank you Jackie Manning!!!) and start putting her 3 to 6 month clothes away. (Didn't I just start using those??) There was a problem though; I couldn't find those clothes anywhere. I'm talking search the storage room, loft and all the closets - yes, even our sixth-sense-movie closet - and even the trunks of our cars, just in case we had gotten so used to seeing boxes that we no longer registered them. I had just about given up on them when Todd decided to check the storage room again and found them in a place I truly thought I had investigated already. Oh well - hallelujah! We celebrated that night by taking all the clothes out of the boxes, sorting through them and stocking Aurella's drawers. Fun for me - such cute clothes!!! - but maybe not so fun for Todd. What a good sport!

Another huge change our family has undergone is that I work now in the mornings at Brigham Larson Pianos in Orem. I work in the Utah Music Conservatory side as the Program Director for their Kindermusik program. I have fallen in love! Working with kids exploring music and dance, movement, music theory concepts, toys, games...SINGING...yep this job is just the best. I'm still completing my training as a certified Kindermusik instructor but I've already started teaching some classes. I also take Aurella to the Cuddle & Bounce class on my day off, Friday mornings. It's SO MUCH FUN to be with her as she responds to the music, the bouncing, dancing, toys, other babies etc. It's perfect for her and she loves it. If you're curious to see what Kindersmusik is about, go here.

Ok enough about boring work stuff, here are the pics!!

 This onesie speaks truth

 We really tried to get her to take a bottle, and she would sometimes...but it's really just not her thing *sigh*

Behold...the downward baby dog yoga pose.

 She does this a lot...

Exhausted after her first day of Kindermusik.

 Kindermusik with her friends Calvin and Lydia!

Gammy and aunts helped her to sit up! So exciting!

 She only likes to sit up in her bouncy seat now
 ...and eat everything.

Todd is hilarious

Calvin just keeps getting bigger!

 Photo day!

 We love it when Aurella gets social time with friends and family

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