Saturday, May 24, 2014

1 month old!

Thursday was the one month mark of baby Aurella's life.

Yep, it's already been a whole month! I couldn't love this adorable baby girl more.

As Todd and I have been adjusting to taking care of this little one, she's been adjusting to life outside of momma's belly. It's been tough sometimes but I can't imagine life any other way! I look at her and can't believe how beautiful she is. I have been so blessed.

I tried to write this post on Thursday, but I was lucky I was able to get in a few photos before she'd let me know she was not having fun.

(I had to include this one)

She has been growing, slowly but surely! She started out 7 lbs 11 oz, and she's now about 8.5 lbs. At her two week appt, she had grown an inch, from 20.5 inches to 21.5, and I'm sure she's even longer now.

Aurella enjoys:

- Eating
- Riding in the car
- Being held
- Falling asleep while eating
- Smiling when there is no camera around
- Holding her head up at all possible times
- Being held face out so she can see everything
- Stretching her arms and legs out
- Doing the 'vocal fry' while sleeping

Aurella does not enjoy:

- Taking baths
- Having her pacifier placed in her mouth (although she will take it eventually most of the time)
- Being woken up
- Going to sleep, she'll fight it for as long as she possibly can!
- Being put in the swing
- Spitting up. She'll try to swallow it first! Yuck!

She is a terrific sleeper at night, going for four or five hour stretches is the usual.

Newborn size diapers have been big on her up until yesterday! They are finally fitting her well and I'm guessing she'll grow out of them by the end of next week.

She's still fitting her newborn size clothes although I'm hoping she'll grow out of those soon as well.

I can't get enough of her!

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