Friday, April 11, 2014

Reaching a Goal

Here I am, finally posting in the blog I've told myself I would start for weeks! I am absolutely obsessed with stalking reading blog posts that have anything to do with babies and/or pregnancy. In fact, one of my favorite things to do nowadays is search for how many weeks along I am in pregnancy with the word 'blog' after it, and hit search. The result: a long list of women blogging about how their pregnancies are going, at the same stage as me!
Honestly, though, the biggest reason I've wanted to start blogging is so that I can have a place to post unlimited pictures of my sweet baby and keep track of how she's doing and milestones she'll be reaching, as well as other experiences my family and I have. I'll admit, until this baby is born, this blog will probably be all about how this pregnancy is follow if you're interested! I have had 'make a blog' as an item on my Baby Prep list, so I can cross it off now...although I still have a longgggg way to go as far as making it look pretty and customizing it, etc. Anyone volunteer to help show me the blogging ropes!?

My Baby Prep list:
-Clear out/organize loft
-Clean stairs
-Make frozen dinners (A BIG thanks to my sisters-in-law Amy and Monica!!!)
-Wash baby clothes
-Set up baby equipment(except for the car seats...ahem...)
-Buy all birthing supplies
-Make blog
-Make places for all baby gifts
-Write Thank You notes for baby gifts
-Figure out what else we still need to get for baby

There's probably tons left to do that I can't think of right now, but we're probably pretty close to being ready for her...which is a good thing since we're down to the wire, me being 38+6 weeks along! I will be posting on this pregnancy tomorrow which will include the kind of stats that I've been so obsessed with lately...


  1. I'm all for helping with blogging design! I enjoy doing it. I'm excited to read all of your updates on the blog!

  2. That's great! Thank you Shayla!

  3. I love reading the blogs that my children and spouses write. Please post your blog address periodically on Facebook.
